
GuinnessWorldRecords,knownfromitsinceptionin1955until1999asTheGuinnessBookofRecordsandinpreviousUnitedStateseditionsasTheGuinness ...,TheGuinnessWorldRecordsofficialsitewithultimaterecord-breakingfacts&achievements.Doyouwanttosetaworldrecord?AreyouOfficiallyAmazing?,Theglobalauthorityonrecordbreakingachievementssince1955#GWR2025and#GWRgamersoutSeptember2024.,Explorerecordtitles,photosandvi...

Guinness World Records

Guinness World Records, known from its inception in 1955 until 1999 as The Guinness Book of Records and in previous United States editions as The Guinness ...

Guinness World Records

The Guinness World Records official site with ultimate record-breaking facts & achievements. Do you want to set a world record? Are you Officially Amazing?


The global authority on record breaking achievements since 1955 #GWR2025 and #GWRgamers out September 2024.

Browse our online collection of record titles ...

Explore record titles, photos and videos in our curated galleries, featuring everything from talented pets and superhumans to big stuff and extreme vehicles ...


Guinness World Records. RECORDS. How to set or break a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS record titleWhat makes A GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS record title?How are records ...

Guinness World Records (@guinnessworldrecords)

The global authority on record breaking achievements since 1955.


《金氏世界紀錄大全》(英語:Guinness World Records),是一本記載著世界之最的工具書,包括天文地理、歷史科學不同領域的世界紀錄等,該書每年均會出版一次。

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Samsung GALAXY S5 體驗會功能概觀與心得分享
